Men's and Women's Crew of the Week 4/8-1/13

Marietta College and The Milwaukee School of Engineering have been selected as the Men’s and Women’s Crews of the week for April 8-13th!

Marietta College Women’s Varsity 8 was awarded the Women’s Crew of the Week for a commanding winning lead at the Devil’s Lake Invitational last weekend. All week, Marietta women faced major set backs after a historic 20-year flood in Marietta, OH. They were unable to practice on their home river, and worked instead with their community on a clean up project to aid in recovery after the flood.

The MSOE Men’s Varsity 8 won Men’s Crew of the Week after their win over Michigan state at the same Devil’s Lake Invite. MSOE’s winning time took a commanding lead, 6:13.09 to 6:22.97. This is the first time MSOE has won the 8’s competition at Devils Lake.
